Hello I'm Kitty. I love to paint and play games . I have alot of likes and loves so let me show you some of them.
Zelda DungeonZelda is a very fun game and you should learn about it.
P.S. I'll be puting up drawings, short stories, and much much more.
Let me list some of my likes
Ok so I'm going to try a table and I hope you guys like it.
My name is: Kit. | My favorite game is: Pokemon. | Favorite color is: orange. |
My favorite dog is: Tibetian mastiff. | Hobby is: Artist. | Favorite food is: Ice cream. |
Being home and not geting together with my friends alot makes me really thankful for online games and a computer.
My favorite things about Thanksgiving are.
I'm going to make a list of my favorite Pokemon.
Ok so I'm going to make a list of pokemon pictures I like
This is a inkling that i drew and inked (hahah) by hand.
I hope you guys like it its the best inkling drawing i have ever done.
This is a gacha life person i made